Anne Hamer quoted by Real Estate Bees

How Much Are Tennessee Closing Costs? A new survey of over 1,000 active real estate professionals found average closing costs for sellers and buyers in Tennessee. Anne Hamer was consulted on the role that divorce plays in the home buying process.

Divorce and Money: Do I Need a Financial Advisor?

My clients bring a range of financial expertise to their divorces: some are themselves financial professionals, others are successful business owners; some are doctors, some lawyers, some stay-at-home parents, some free-spirited entrepreneurs.  Often the higher earning spouse turns out to have no idea about the family financial situation because their spouse has taken on that responsibility.  … Continue reading Divorce and Money: Do I Need a Financial Advisor?

Division of Marital Property

Dividing the marital estate, particularly after a lengthy marriage, can be easy, complicated, or somewhere in between, depending on each client’s particular circumstances.  In Tennessee, the courts determine property division based on the principal of “equity”, or what is fair.  Equity does not necessarily mean equal, especially if one spouse has a higher earning capacity … Continue reading Division of Marital Property